TRAINING – 8 Keys to Successful ERP System Implementation

TRAINING – 8 Kunci Sukses Implementasi Sistem ERP

After the configuration / setup of the system according to the blueprint has been completed and testing is carried out by the consultant using the data that has been prepared by the prospective user, the next step must be considered and taken so that we can successfully implement the ERP system is to conduct training for the project team.

Important tips for completing stages, System development / configuration before training the project team, Data preparation by user for testing purpose

Based on our experience in implementing SAP Business One ranging from large companies that have several subsidiaries with a total number of users in hundreds, to even small companies that only have 3 users, if a system and data testing is not ready / completed, it is not good to do training. This is considering that if there are still many obstacles during testing, the user will feel discouraged, or they may not be able to imagine the real case because the data used is not data from them.

The objectives of this team member training are:

  1. Describe the process agreed upon during the blueprint design and how to work with the new system.
  2. Socialize the use of the new system, so that team members can carry out testing, especially according to the existing business scenario.

That is why it is very important to conduct training using real data which has been owned by the company so far.

7 other key points that influence the success of ERP system implementation:

  1. Dukungan dari manajemen eksekutif / Top Management
  2. Jebakan harapan / Ekspektasi
  3. Cetak biru bisnis proses / Business Process Blueprint
  4. Manajemen persiapan data
  5. Testing, testing dan testing
  6. Apakah semua calon pengguna (user) sudah siap?
  7. Cut off strategy – Paralel Run Vs Cut off