History of SAP Business One To SAP Business One Module


SAP Business One is one type of SAP software that is widely considered by various companies. Especially small and medium-sized companies and also one of the ERP software that provides a variety of core modules and additional features. Then what else is interesting about this software?

Following is the history of SAP Business One to SAP Business One Module.

What is SAP?

SAP stands for system application and product has various types. One of them is SAP Business One is one of the ERP software with modules that are complete enough for small and medium companies that can integrate or unite all business functions in the company. From sales planning, purchasing, production, operations, finance to financial statements. ERP software is a single application. This application will eliminate separate installations and complex integration of various modules.

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History of the Development of SAP Business One

Its development began in 2002. At that time SAP had succeeded in buying a company called the Top Manage Financial System which is a company from the State of Israel. Two years later or more precisely in 2004, SAP then bought a company again. The company is called iLytix System AS which is a Norwegian company that makes software that can report and budget.

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After that, SAP began to combine the two software to form this software. Until in 2006, SAP bought a company engaged in making software for web-based applications and e-commerce called Praxis Software Solution. Then in the same year in 2006, SAP worked with CitixSys to make this ERP software to be more consolidated.

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SAP Business One Module

This ERP software has become one of the solutions of small and medium-sized companies to be able to develop properly and provide easy access to companies.

Following are some of the modules available in SAP Business One.

  • Administration Module
    This module consists of a system setup. The purpose is to set up the system, authorization, notifications, currency exchange rate and export import.
  • Financial Module
    This module has a function to manage and manage all accounting data and all financial statements. Another function of this one module is to control revenue, costs, even to the calculation of profits in the company.
  • Sales Opportunities
    The next module is Sales Opportunities. This module can help the sales department in managing and even analyzing all information. It could even be to see opportunities regarding the sale of company products.
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Company Characteristics That Match

As explained earlier that this ERP software is very suitable for small and medium-sized companies. Even though big companies can still use it. In addition, the characteristics are like what else is suitable to use this software.

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Type of business that is suitable for implementing

Companies that are suitable for using it can also be seen through the type of business they are developing. What kind of businesses are suitable? Among them are media, chemicals, consumer products, healthcare, high tech, mill products, engineering, pharmaceuticals, retail, automotive, and the like.

Number of employees of the company

Criteria for company characteristics that are very suitable are companies that have a number of employees under 100 people. This is because this software does not yet have a complete ERP module. And this will certainly be difficult if it turns out that employees have more than 100 people.

Those are some things about history to SAP Business one module. If you want to get SAP software, Sterling Team is the right place for you. We provide a variety of ERP modules that are ready to support the development of your company.